How Data Science Is Relevant and Invaluable in the Education Sector — Part 3 out of 3

3 min readNov 10, 2021
A SphereXR virtual classroom, from the instructor’s point of view.

Education as an Online Activity Today and in the Years to Come

Traditionally, education has been teacher-focused, a paradigm that doesn’t seem to sit in well with modern students. The latter prefer a more personalized approach to learning and tend to be more hands-on than previous generations of learners. As a result, a more student-centered approach is more likely to be a better strategy for education these days.

Online education can yield that and do so in both a scalable and an effective manner. Consequently, online education is here to stay while it’s very likely to evolve, as it embraces more the relevant data involved. Of course, all this is not to say that offline education isn’t viable. However, as the need for remote learning increases, it’s essential to have appropriate infrastructure. At the very least, the described online education is likely to be a necessary alternative and the go-to method for particular professional training applications where teaching resources are limited.

Types of online education platforms

Naturally, not all education platforms are created equal. Some are more effective and more data-rich than others. After all, the more old-fashioned platforms (e.g., YouTube and Vimeo) lack visual quality and engagement hook. Apart from a few exceptions, most of the videos on such platforms are made in an amateur manner, without any serious planning. As a result, they aren’t as engaging or effective as learning tools. For the latter to happen, the platform needs to be more interactive and immersive. The latter is something relatively rare still, even in more professional environments. Perhaps that’s why most traditional education platforms have a low conversion rate and don’t scale all that well.

More modern education platforms, like SphereXR, attempt to address these shortcomings and offer a more engaging experience that manifests as better learning. As a bonus, these platforms are more scalable and can serve many learners. Simultaneously, such platforms can create a community of sorts for all the learners involved. This community is a significant part of learning and helps the learner commit better to the courses at hand.

Parting Thoughts

From all this, we can say that data science is considerably helpful in areas like education, given it’s harnessed the right way and with the proper mindset. For all this to be optimal, it’s best to leverage a platform like SphereXR, where data collection is there by design. In essence, the whole platform is a large ecosystem of data streams. These are used to improve the user experience in whatever way possible. Naturally, data science plays a crucial role in all this, along with advanced graphics and Virtual Reality (immersive technologies).

So, check out our company’s website when you have some time. And if you find that you want and can contribute to it either as a CTO or as an immersive developer, please get in touch! Cheers.




SphereXR is an ultra realistic virtual educational framework driven by data and built for educators.